Sunday, July 18, 2010

After Birthday,cool presents and top 5 SNES games!

For my B-day i got MineCraft infdev from my bro, (also part one of an epic Oot manga)an awesome shirt from my mom, and a cool book from my dad. One other cool thing is my N64. I got it recently from my cousin and it's awesome. It has all the best games, plus two controllers (one blue) and two rumble paks. It's the reason i haven't been posting for a while (a week).But now that i'm posting again, Here's what i promised.

Top 5 favorite SNES games

Note! i do not actually own an SNES but it's fun to play these games on an emulator.

Not much to say about this one, but it's fun.

4.Kirby Super Star
When in times of chillin, This game is the way to go. The Bosses are fun, the gameplay and puzzles are, and the story is great. Overall, this game is good.
3.Zelda:A Link To The Past
Though i scarcely ever play it on the SNES, the gba version is pretty good.
2.Mario Paint
When i'm Really bored, i make pictures. of mario.
1.Super Mario World
 Oh my gosh. This game is home to my Super Mario World hacks, and other stuff. you can do anything in the game and it never gets boring. this game is awesomesauce.
Well, that's my top 5 SNES games! hope you have a good rest of the summer!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hey, look! Birthday!

me and mah bro's b-day is coming up, and...Happy belated 4th of July!!
how should i celebrate... I KNOW!

My top 5 favorite things about the N64
5. Mario Tennis
when you have some friends, four controllers, an N64 and Mario Tennis, it's a lot of fun.

4. DK64
Even Though it's a very challenging game from the beginning to the end, DK64 is a must have if you have an N64.
3.Zelda OOT (ocarina of time)
when i've hardly gotten a quarter way through the game, Zelda ocarina of time is certainly a good one. The fun gameplay, unique bosses and awesome story make this game great.
2.Super Smash bros.
Words can't describe how fun this is with four players but i'll try. The amazingly fun weapons and stages, personalized character moves and master hand makes this game indescribably amazing.
1. Super Mario 64!!!
The strechy face minigame, total uniqueness of this game and it being the first 3d mario make this game completely flawless, also making it one of my most favorite games of all time.
And that's all my favorite games that i recommend for the N64 if you still have one. Next week i'll talk about my favorite SNES games! Bye!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Hungry Hungry Bens!

Just got up and feeling weird. I can't find my pants, and the Basement door where the washing machine is is locked, so i'm wearing a shirt and my underwear 'til my folks get up. I'm also hungry. Gosh Dang Diddly Darn it!
We have no chow. Phooey.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New blog!

cool. i just started this new blog which covers normal stuff about my life. Right now i'm just bored, as the title of this blog says. Got a piece of pizza at Stefano's earlier today. It tasted good.